Data Protection


Data Protection Policy


Chester Chess Club is committed to complying with relevant data protection legislation, currently the UK Data Protection Act 1998 and Digital Economy Act 2O17 and the European Union General Data Protection Regulation which came into effect on 25 May 2018.

In order to operate effectively, the Club needs to collect, process and retain a limited amount of personal information from members including name, address, age (for junior members only) telephone number, e-mail address and English Chess Federation gradings. Such information is needed to enable the Club to communicate with members, to organise teams for league matches and for members to contact each other to arrange Club tournament games. Relevant information will not be shared with other associations, leagues or chess clubs. Such information will not be used or divulged for any purpose other than for chess related matters without specific notification and consent. When joining the Club members accept that limited personal information may be collected and used in this way.

The Club’s Membership Secretary has responsibility for collecting, recording, retaining and making available membership information. All reasonable efforts will be made to ensure that information is accurate and up-to-date and kept securely. Membership and handicap lists may be issued to members – usually team captains and officers of the Club – from time to time. It is the responsibility of those in possession of memberships lists etc to destroy such information when no longer needed. E-mail communication to large sections of the membership will generally de done on a BCC basis. However, for smaller groups such as teams or squads, emails may be displayed openly where all group members have agreed for this to be done. Team captains and Club members who organize internal competitions may pass-on contact details to enable communication between participants. Records of ex-members will be deleted in the year following the last membership year. Club members receiving or having access to such information also have a duty to conform to the Club’s date protection policy.

Club members are requested to notify the Membership Secretary of any amendments to their personal information held by the Club and may apply to the Membership Secretary at any time to amend or withdraw such information or how it is used. Any concern about the collection or use of personal information should be raised in the first instance with the Membership Secretary who will consult with the Chairman, Secretary or Treasurer as appropriate.


July 2018