The Club Championship

The Club Championship is an all play all tournament for the strongest players of the club ran throughout the course of the season.

Highest number of victories

G. J. Bromley6
J. A. Gorman5
S. Hallard4
C. D. Doran4
E. McNeil4
A. J. Booth3
J. Toothill3
Dr T. O. Read3

A listing of players known to have won the Chester Chess Club Championship can be found below. Some famous names include W. Korn who was an author of Modern Chess Openings and J. Coleby, who appeared on the tv quiz show Mastermind in the 1970s

Club Champions

19231924Capt. W. P.Neilson19721973C. Ridley
19241925J. Dixon19731974J. A. Gorman
19251926Rev. B. N. Adams19741975J. A. Gorman
19261927S.Hallard19751976A. J. Booth
19271928J.Dixon19761977J. A. Gorman
19281929C. Willis19771978A. J. Booth
19291930C. A. Saban19781979A. J. Booth
19301931S.Hallard19791980J. A. Gorman
1931193219801981P. C. Hoad
1932193319811982M. E. Williams
1933193419821983G. O. Edwards
1934193519831984G. J. Bromley
1935193619841985T. Everrett
19381939S. Hallard19871988C. Moorman
1939194019881989C. Moorman
1940194119891990R. Clark
19421943W. Korn19911992
19431944W. Korn19921993
19441945I. Goldberg19931994
19451946P.Tillson19941995C. D. Doran
19461947Dr. T. Amyot19951996
19471948C. A. Saban19961997C. D. Doran & J. Sutcliffe
19481949S. Milan19971998
19491950E. McNeil19981999J. Sutcliffe
19501951E. McNeil19992000
19511952J. A. V. Fielder20002001
19521953J. Bate20012002A. Van Bergen
19531954E. McNeil20022003G. J. Bromley
19541955S. Hallard20032004G. J. Bromley
19551956E. McNeil20042005C. D. Doran
19561957R. Littler20052006S. Fraser
19571958J. Coleby20062007C. D. Doran
19581959A. J. Bowen20072008P. R. Watson
19591960A. J. Bowen20082009G. J. Bromley
19601961J. Coleby20092010G. J. Bromley
19611962Dr. T. O. Read20102011R. Valantinas
19621963J.Toothill20112012R. Valantinas & J. Smith
19631964Dr T. O. Read20122013J. Smith
19641965J. Toothill20132014D. I. Hulme
19651966J. Toothill20142015G. J. Bromley
19661967R. Jones20152016P. Crocker
19671968J. H. Walmsley20162017M. McDonagh
19681969Dr T. O. Read20172018M. McDonagh
19691970L. R. Ainsworth20182019C. White
19701971L. R. Ainsworth
19711972J. A. Gorman