Centenary Rapidplay


Sunday 7th April 2019

Celebrating 100 Years of Chester Chess Club @ Upton-by-Chester High School, St James’s Avenue, Upton, Chester, CH2 1NN

A FIDE Rated Open, U1900 Major & U1600 Minor with a combined Prize Fund of £1,340.



Open to all players

Prizes: 1st £250, 2nd £100, 3rd £50,
Highest scoring player rated under FIDE 2000 / ECF 174: £40
Highest ranked Junior: £40

FIDE U1900 Major

Open to players graded below FIDE 1900 / ECF 160

Prizes: 1st £200, 2nd £100, 3rd £50
Highest scoring player rated under FIDE 1750 / ECF 140: £40
Highest ranked Junior: £40

FIDE U1600 Minor

Open to players graded below FIDE 1600 / ECF 120

Prizes: 1st £200, 2nd £100, 3rd £50
Highest scoring player rated under FIDE 1450 / ECF 100: £40
Highest ranked Junior: £40

Entry Fees

                                                                              Adult       Junior
ECF Bronze or Non-Member                 £27.50   £22.50
ECF Silver, Gold, Platinum Member   £20.00   £15.00

Playing Schedule

Round 1 10:00 am    Round 4 2:10 pm
Round 2 11:20 am    Round 5 3:30 pm
Round 3 12:40 am    Round 6 4:50 pm

Time Control

Each player will be allowed 20 minutes for all their moves + 10 seconds per move.  Re-pairing will take place 10 minutes after the start of a round. Players who have not arrived will be defaulted 10 minutes after the scheduled start of a round.

Entry Forms & Payment

Completed entry forms, together with the appropriate entry fee (payable to “Chester Chess Club”) should be sent either to Graham Bromley (see below for his address) or sent via email to: 


Payment by bank transfer: Chester Chess Club, Sort Code: 09-01-50, Account Number: 03474313. Please put your surname & forename in the reference field. This method of payment is preferred.

Cheques & Postal Orders should be made payable to Chester Chess Club and sent with your entry form to: Graham Bromley, 30 Knowsley Road, Hoole, Chester, CH2 3RL.

Chester Chess Club Centenary Rapidplay Entry Form