Final Logo Selection

At the AGM we reviewed the two frontrunners (A and B) and then commissioned Graham to design a third hybrid logo (C). Please vote for your favourite in the comments section or email Graham or Phil. We’ll finalise the selection around the end of June.

Logo A

Logo B

Logo C



16 Replies to “Final Logo Selection”

  1. Logos A & B are superior to logo C.
    They are both very good but I would chose A for one very important reason: There is already a chess club in the North called the 3Cs.

  2. Logo A hits the spot. This will be fine

    Logo B is a horrible mess (+ Dave Bryan’s point)

    Logo C is neither one thing nor the other

  3. I like C. I think it should have something to do with Chester and logo C has a sort of castle look (the walls, cathedral).

  4. A is good, but can’t help but see a cheesy grin for the knight.
    B is ok, but not sure about the C’s. Maybe if they were more curved or rounded?
    C is also good, a clever design.

    B has colour, are we okay with the potential extra costs of colour ink, then the Knight in A and the King in C might look better if it were more “woodeny” in colour.

    C just edges it for me.

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